Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Get ready for renovations !

We all have this fantasy about the future and how we want it to be. We build this future world where we make our lives so perfect and have the people we love the most with us. We can project a whole day of the future we want and still be happy. But what happens when something slight about this world is changed?

This happened to me recently and I have to admit, swallowing it in was the most difficult thing. Fortunately, I was under the influence which provided me with enough courage to face it as one of the many factors that I don’t like but have to live with. It’s true; factors that are designed to change your future are always major – no matter how small they seem to be at the moment. You will think you are okay with something that’s bound to come but once it is here, you don’t even know how to go about it.

In other news, you better design your future world that is build up in your head in a way that it can accommodate renovations. Make it flexible so that if anyone in your life exits before you live it, you can always make amendments. To those that have lost their loved ones so soon, hope you gather enough strength and courage to rebuild your world. You need to be strong for those who depend on you. For those who are temporarily away, hang in there. Patience is a virtue but I’m not saying that it always pays.