Saturday, November 10, 2012
Obama, Wanyama and The Kenneths
i really don't know what I wanna post, so imma be random.
OBAMA. yes, the Americans don't know that we, Kenyans, celebrated Obama's victory more than all of them combined. Scratch that! I bet we are the only people that stayed up late just to see him win. The only problem is that we never learn from our past. That guy hasn't stepped near Kenya ever since we "endorsed" him as the president of the greatest nation on earth. I don't think he ever mentions Kenya hata. He's more of "Kinya" and we still cheer on to the 90th minute. SMH. If we did learn from what he has been to us, I don't think we would have been out there in the cold, with the university's WI-fi connection following the polling. Anyway, congratulations Obama. OH! and that Romney guy, he reminds me of that kiddo in class four. Remember him? Yes, the one that you tell him he has something hanging from his nose but he still insists that he has nothing. YEP! him.
WANYAMA. Just proud of this guy as much as Kenyan football ain't really something to talk about. The fact that he's the only Kenyan to score against Barcelona (I'll check my facts later) and go head-to-head against Messi is just enough to put a smile on my face. They won against Barcelona, can't forget that.
PK, AK and AK. Peter Kenneth, Andrew Kenneth and Andrea Kenneth. What's with all these Kenneths? Ladies, please help. I was on Twitter that night and all of a sudden a celebrity is born. Tweets went crazy, flooding with #AndrewKenneth, DaFaq !! (BYE BYE JUSTIN BIEBER). Then Facebook, whoever said "Campus Divas For ... " was an accepted prefix ? This resulted ===> Campus Divas For Andrew Kenneth, 3 pages to be precise.
iOut ! Enjoy your weekend people. (HINT; too many Freshaaz nights happening.)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The Homa Week
Guess I cannot frown and neither can I smile because the events have left me, once again, :-|. The week started with some sore throat that I thought would leave after I got warm, Didn't! Got to my place and the following day was worse. I looked like a 12 year kid with a hangover. The homa (i'm not gonna say who gave me, or how) was getting worse. I got some suggestions of hot water and lemon from a couple of friends - and some other weird ways to kill homa - but i still stuck to my theory of remedy. You know, the theory that you only need some rum down your throat, preferably Old Monk.
Anyways, I got my a** to hospital the following morning after I realized that I didn't want my nose beating Usain Bolt's 100m record, plus I was pretty sure my whole-night sneezing kept the whole hostel awake. Besides, I always hated handkerchiefs and won't need any strain on my weekend's budget. oh, yeah! There's a rumor that there will be Safaricom Live this today. Hope it will happen. Maybe I'll finally have that Old Monk and a few other drinks.
Away from that, lectures are freaking slow! Sometimes I wonder if this semester is the real long holiday. It's either I watch movies too much that I miss classes or the lecturers are the one's still on strike. I wouldn't mind if they miss on Monday; I might need a day off after this weekend.
Hope i make it to Monday to tell 'bout the weekend. Enjoy yours !!
Monday, September 17, 2012
It's Monday morning and we all hate the feeling. The worst thing that can show up at the start of a week, apart from Monday itself, is the feeling of confusion and uncertainties. The lecturers' strike is really becoming too much. When will these lecturers notice that they are wasting time. Our money is on the line and so is the timetable considering what's happening at the end of the year.
Away from that, these uncertainties of the heart are killing me. I'll preserve that for another post. Right now we need to deal with uncertainties of whether I should leave school already and just get back home (these expenses can sum up to a fully paid honey moon!) I need to deal with the fact that i have to get my ass to Maseno Police Station (damn it!) ... crap, let's just get back to watching movies, later.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tuesday Blues
I'm not complaining or anything but if you are sure that you will not resist the temptation to rave on a Monday, DON'T HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS !
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The problem ... I
The problem about September is that it tries acting tough; like it's in a competition to beat August in darkness
The problem about this Sunday evening is that i didn't have supper and expect to survive through a complete season 1 of Franklin and Bash
The problem about teachers and lecturers is that they are hard nuts to crack when they really need their thang
The problem about the politicians is that they overfeed themselves and still complain of hunger
The problem about ... goodnight
Saturday, August 4, 2012
" When the sun shines up brightly
we call it a good day.......
when the moon and stars fill the night
we marvel at how romantic it is....
there is more to a bright day
there is a lot more to a night with the moon and stars
if i could find a bright day
that i could feel your lips
I'd stay for the night
to still feel the taste
aint nothing so good
like knowing i tasted it first
and also did it the last....
when the sea is calm
we say there are no tides
and when the rains come tumbling
we say we are blessed
if i could walk you by the sea
and feel the waves on your lips and mine
and if i could kiss you in the rain
I'd feel your soul touch mine
I'll be blessed....
i wanna be the last to taste your lips.... "
By - Desma Winnie Wood (@blaqchq)
" Seen many and loved them
they were perfect
so i had nothing
to change on them
i liked them the moment
i lay my eyes on them
it just never lasted
it was different from when
i first met you
the friendship was complete
i didnt have to pretend
and that put a smile in my heart
i didnt get the challenge
from those i loved instantly
there was no friendship
they were too perfect for me
i couldnt share anything
they already knew everything
neither was there any adventure
in living that kind of life
i needed something interesting
someone to remind me
what i could forget.
with you we fought
got mad at each other
but still found something
a friendship that was bound
by willingness to desire more
from each others heart.
They had dreams of their own
i had your dream.....
You had mine......
i met you and chose you
that is how different it is
your imperfection caught my eye
i needed you in my life
you knew something i didnt
i knew something you didnt
you shared in my dreams
kept my spirit so high
gave me one reason to live
''to see my dreams come true''
you still wonder why
i wont let go?
I choose you
because love is a mutual feeling
you can place it on any one
but if you choose someone
that is where your soul lays
your imperfection makes me
my imperfection makes you
thats why we made it here
it took time to choose you
so its gonna take longer to leave
i loved many....but i choose you. "
By Desma Winnie Wood
Two In One

Anyway, it's now a month since I came to the City Of Booties and Fish (read Kisumu). Life's okay; wake up, go to work, make some people happy, get home, sleep and wake up the following day to repeat the same. I might have skipped some parts but it's still okay. I can't help but notice that I'm living two lives, one at work and one at home (and that's 2 in1 by the way).
I wake up in the morning and the only people I make 'conversations' with are ..... uhhhhmmmmm.... scratch that. I just order my uji at Mama Safi and then direct the bodaboda guy to my destination in town. That's how quiet it is.
At work things are bright, top gear in fact and with the likes of Oyier, Desma, Louis and BethLiz, laughs are inevitable.
When I get back to 'my hood' in the evening, it's back to being numb again. The only people I can talk to are characters in the movies I watch, you know: "Don't go in there! He is hiding there! He'll kill you!". They never listen to me though :-(
I need more movies!
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Welcome August !
Anyway, that aside, August is looking pretty good. I hope it stays that way; unlike the dark memories and bad history that Kenya has experienced in most of its Augusts.

Wish you guys a lovely month of August. Take care now!
posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Ex's Lullaby Part I
12:21 am. It's a Friday night, a broke ass Friday night. I just have to be indoors to avoid negotiations on club entrance fee or bargaining the prices of drinks. I just switched off the TV, slipped in between my sheets and let a loud sigh.
it's the cold season and I think that's why these thoughts are always hitting me. Thoughts of my Ex's: that maybe we terminated the relationship way too early; maybe we hadn't had enough; what if we didn't get mad at that silly mistake that neither of us wanted to take responsibility of; what if I apologized for being a jerk?
Before I know it, I'm sleepy ... " I'll still visit this archive," I tell my brain as my eyes switch off.
Goodnight world
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Beautiful People Like You

This is one of those Saturday evenings where you just got up from a lousy nap. You wake up more hangovered than the first time your friends tricked you to alcohol, you are the worst and best example of a malaria case and for some stupid reason you decided to think of your ex.
This is me, but I decided to listen to some sad songs just to keep the evening rolling and to match with the 1963 look that I had on my face. There's this one that got my attention and I'm sure y'all will also relate to it.
So to all the broken hearted, the heart breakers and to those who are always there to watch and enjoy heartbreaks......
" It's my last big breath what you want me to do?
When you act all cool like you already knew
That I'll be stuck here cold just waiting it through
'Til your heart starts beating for that somebody new
It's a wicked game that you're making me play
Where I crawl back home as you're walking away
And it's all quite clear what you want me to say
But you'll be so long gone if I ask you to stay
You know that it's true
'Cause it's beautiful people like you Who get whatever they want
And it's beautiful people like you Who suck the life right outta my heart
And it's beautiful people like you Who make me cry
'Cause nobody else could be nearly as cruel as you. "
Cher Lloyd - "Beautiful People" (feat. Carolina Liar)
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Fresh Man / Woman
I don't know why I've never thought of blogging before. One reason might be because of the invention of the smart phone - it makes it a lot easier - or I just don't have much to do. This might make my blogged thoughts a little creepy but don't worry, I haven't watched enough zombie movies.
I'm new here, with hopes that it'll be a wonderful experience with y'all.

Talking of new, I'm not the only one. My sister who recently turned 18 decided to join Twitter. It's hard teaching somebody something new and it's a different thing taking questions about Twitter from my sister. Here's her twitter handle @Ellarotich
Oh, and one more thing : she finally got her first Okoa Jahazi from Safaricom. The celebration didn't last for long though and all I had to tell her was *131#